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Donors help Integral Care provide the tools and resources everyone needs to maintain well-being, reach their full potential, and contribute to our community​

A Special Thanks to our FY 2022 Donors


Heather & Paul Dennison

Joan & Kurt Wade

Mary G. Yancy, PhD



Ellen & David Lake

Aaron & Margaret Von

FlaternAdam Reinking

2Dine4 Catering


Husch Blackwell, LLP


Scott & Susan Hector

Sarah Churchill Llamas

John & Suzanne Rosato

Popp Hutcheson, PLLC


Cindy & Greg Abell

Patricia Young Brown

Gary Daniel

David & Debra Evans

Nickie Froiland

Darin & Jamie Gray

Rachel Gunner & Morrie Schulman

David Karhi

Marsh Lavenue

Paul Leeke

Chris Mattsson

Jill & John McFarland

Dr. Tom S. McHorse

Barbara Morris-Blake

Tess Peters

Paul Rathouz

Bill & Kathy Robbins

Stephen Strakowski, MD

David Weden

Thomas Young


Patricia Albright

Susan & Thomas Ardis

Kellie Bailey

Rosalie Boldin

Gordon Cook

Meredith Davenport

Sara & David Dimston

Charlie & Christina Gomer

Jean and Mike Haggerty

Clarke & Catherine Heidrick

Frank Hoffman & Jacqueline Fox

Lisa Holzgrafe

Brian Humphrey

Dennis Hutchison

Debra & Eric James

Chris Mann

Lisa & Mark McCrimmon

Cathy & Ed McHorse

Michael Metcalf

Jeff Newport

Dennis Northington

Cliff & Lee Ann Omo

Maura Powers & Scott McCown

Marc Rindner & Younjee Kim

Eddie Safady

Luanne Southern

Hillary & Robert Summers

Katherine & Mark Voges

Apple Matching Gifts Program

Cornelius Family Foundation

Nintendo/Retro Studios

Texas Perinatal Group Practitioners

University Federal Credit Union

Uplift Ministry, University Presbyterian Church


Cynthia Brown & Robert Bass

Michelle Bisson

Rev. Horace Edward Calahan

Jess Chapin & Laurie Eiserloh

Gilbert Davila & Danny Ferran

Noelle Davis

Eva De Luna Castro

Melanie Engerski

Sarah Garza

Stefan Giroux

Brian Haegelin

Emmitt Hayes, Jr.

Jessica Hennessey

Jane Hilfer

Shelly Hohmann

Richard Hopkins

Joel &Lucy Katz

Harrison Katz

Morgan Katz

Mary Alice Kuykendall

Brett Laine

Louise Lynch

Anthony Masaryk

Michel McCabe-Hughes

Kelley Cooper McClure

Laraine Mcintyre

Nancy Trager Neavel Family

Charles Nemeroff

John Nguyen

Deborah Rosales-Elkins

Noelle Salerno

Louisa & David Stegmann

Katherine Wells

Tom Wise

Azul Mule, LP

Indeed Matching Gift


Marian Casey

Michael Churgin

Diana Dobson

Michael and Deborah Edmonds

Robert & Amy Ehrlich

Angella Emmett

Stay Local Austin

Fugina Family

Kathryn Garia

Pete Gasper & Laurie Smith

Denise Goldstein

The Tipton Family

Juli & Bob Harrison

Hadley Hempel

Toni Inglis

Dorothy Kampf

Diane Willis & Ken Weigand

Jonathan Kerls

Joseph Kobell

Caitlyn Macaluso

Timothy Malpass

Dee Dee & Steve McKee

Matthew Meiners

Martha & Thomas O’Meara

Lynn Oneill

Melanie Pearce

Zahra Petri

Ellen Richards

Paula and Jim Rieker

Sandra Rivera

Cheryl Sabin

Wanda (Riedel) and Rick Sdao

Betsey Shiner

Alison Smiley

Karen & Roy Spezia

David Springer

Suzanne Whatley


Barbara Aaby

Michelle “Missy” Apodaca

Rona Baizer

Deb Cardinal

Barbara Anderson-Carr

Jennifer Baum

Francelle Bettinger

Vicky Blackman

Bennya A Chandler

Ann Dillon

Mary Dodd

Carol Faget

Bobbie & Bruce Fielden

Nadia Gartner

Robin Helfner

Jessica Jameson

John Lee

Bo Linnartz

Rossie Manning

Robert Ruckman

Catlin Rutherford

Jada Smith

Stacy Spencer

Jay Stanford

Robert Stewart

Ann & Randy Teich

J.D. Trueblood

Nancy Werling


Opal Adams

Annie Bennett

Barbara Bittner

Maura Brady

Tammy Busfield

Curt Daniel

Martin Dick

Audrey Dieguez

Ellen Fagan

Sandra Fantetti

Fatemeh Ghazban

Suzanne Gonzalez

Sharon Guenther

Charlotte Haro

Russell Herman

Darlene Huebner

Pam Kessel

Matt & Karen Mahoney

Charlene McDougall

Christine Oyler

Karen Peoples

Cathy Post Cathy Post

Jackie Rutherford

David & Samantha Schupp

Julia Null Smith

Richard and Mary Stone

Erika Swanner

Brittany Wagener Scarff

Judith Yudof

Paypal Giving Fund


Debbie Alves

Allen Bayer

Robert & Susan Boykin

Kathy Burchfield

Patricia Carr

Brian Cuthbertson

Delano Dobbs

Doni Dotson

Seth & Lisa Feder

Dwight K Haenning

Marilyn Hartman

Monique Hodges

The Hon. Nancy Hohengarten

Rebecca Jones

Brian Joseph

Paul Jumonville

Billie Martin

Thomas McClure

Dave McGuire

David Olivenbaum

Ralph McBride Randall

Kristen Reynolds

Kristi Anne Shaer

Wendy Smiley

Kathy & Esthel Smith

Carol Townsend

Tessy Vasquez

Amelia Whitman Weisbuch

Under $49

Melissa Bage

Anna Boyet

Nathan Brintnall

Elizabeth Conti

Jeffrey Cross

Michelle Dean

Martha Dodds

Jodie Eldridge

Nicole Golden

Henry & Sandra Hanna

Cammi Heuser

Kate Horonzy

Roderick Hunt

Natalie Jardine

Colleen Klein

Tania L.

Stephane Lambour

Ashley Lauretta

Melanie Leatherwood

Sarah Leslie

Kimberly Lin

Elizabeth McGary

Cindy Mingea

Paul Moomaw

Elsa Morales

Samantha Parsons

Tina Robinson

Alicia Saenz

Under $49​

Ollie Seay

David & Marcia Singleton

Bill Smith

Allison Stenson

Megan Street

Sabitha Sudarshan

Stacy Vega

Jane Wetzel

Ryan Wilhm